CL01 GENERAL NORMS - Can. 1-203

Introduction to the Code of Canon Law: preliminary canons (1-6); laws, customs, general decrees and general e x e c u t i v e d e c r e e s , i n s t r u c t i o n s ( 7 - 3 4 ) ; s i n g u l a r administrative acts (35-93); statutes and ordinances (94-95). II. Physical and Juridical persons, juridical acts (96-128); power of governance (129-1440; ecclesiastical offices; provision and loss (145-196); prescription and the reckoning of time (197-203)

Basic Bibliography

Alesandro J.A., “The Revision of the Code of Canon Law: A Background Study,” in Studia Canonica, 24 (1990), 91-146. Martin De Agar, J.T., A Handbook on Canon Law, Montreal, Wilson & Lafleur, 1999. Beal, J.P. (ed.) New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, Bangalore: Theological Publications, 2003. Caparros, E. (ed.) Code of Canon Law Annotated, Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 1993. Coriden, J.A. (ed.) The Code of Canon Law: a Text and Commentary, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1985. Coriden, J. A. An Introduction to Canon Law, New York: Paulist Press, 1990. DeAgar, M.J.T. A Handbook on Canon Law, Montreal, Wilson & Lafleur, 1999.

Lecturer: Fr. Jesuraj Cap.

CL01 GENERAL NORMS - Can. 1-203_compressed.pdf

CL02 PEOPLE OF GOD – Can. 204-572

(I) Christ's Faithful: Obligations and Rights of Christ's Faithful-Laity and Clerics; Formation of Clerics and Incardination of Clerics. (ii) Hierarchical Constitution of the Church; Roman Pontiff; College of Bishops; Ecumenical Council; Synod of Bishops; Cardinals; Roman Curia; Papal Legates; Diocesan Bishops; Conference of Bishops; Diocesan Curia; Parish and Parish Priests. (iii) Participatory Structure in the Particular Church: The Diocesan Synod; The Diocesan Finance Council; The Council of Priests; The College of Consulters and the Diocesan Pastoral Council. (iv) Institutes of Consecrated Life; Common Norms; Religious Institutes; Secular Institutes; The Admission, The Formation and the Governance; Societies of Apostolic Life.

Basic Bibliography

Coriden, J.A. (ed.) The Code of Canon Law: a Text and Commentary, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1985. Coriden, J.A. An Introduction to Canon Law, New York: Paulist Press, 1990. DeAgar, M.J.T. A Handbook on Canon Law, Montreal, Wilson & Lafleur, 1999. Beal, J.P. (ed.) New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2003.

Lecturer: Fr. Jesuraj Cap.

CL02 PEOPLE OF GOD – Can. 204-572_compressed.pdf


The Kinds of Tribunals, Tribunal Officials, Judicial Trials Especially of Marriage Cases, Dissolution of Ratified – Non-Consummated Marriage – Separation of Spouses – Favour of Faith cases and Administrative Recourses.

Basic Bibliography

Doogan, H.F. Catholic Tribunals: Marriage, Annulment and Dissolution, Newtown: E.J. Dwyer Publications, 1991. Wreen,L.G.Procedures,Washington: CLSA, 1987. Sable, R.M. (ed.), Incapacity for Marriage: Jurisprudence and Interpretation, Rome: Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, 1987. Woestmann, W.H. (ed.), Papal Allocutions to the Roman Rota 1939-1994, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1995. Huels, J., “The Power of Governance and Its exercise by Lay Persons: A Juridical Approach,”in Studia Canonica,35(2001),59-96. Idem, “A Theory of Juridical Documents Based on Canons 29-34,” in Studia Canonica,32(1998), 337-370.

Lecturer: Dr. Philomindass

CL04 JUDICIAL PROCESS_compressed.pdf


According to the teaching of Vatican II, the church is like a sacrament, that is, it is the sign and instrument of communion with God and of unity among all men (Lg1). The sacramental nature of the church is clearly manifested in the celebration of the sacraments.

The sacrament of the church were instituted by Christ and entrusted to the church. They are the actions of Christ and of the church. They are the actions of Christ and of the church. They are signs and means by which faith is expressed and strengthened, worship is offered to God and our sanctification is brought about. The sacraments establish, strengthen and manifest ecclesiastical communion (Can. 840).

The Course on Book IV deals with the seven sacraments excluding marriage. The present code gives emphasis to the sacraments of imitation: Baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. It follows the scholastic doctrine of matter and form. Canon Law is concerned with the valid celebration of the sacraments while liturgy deals with the fruitful celebration of the sacraments.

The present course on the sacraments deal with what is required for the valid and lawful celebration of the sacraments: the matter and form, the minister, the recipient, the place and the registration of the sacraments. Besides the sacraments the course deals also with the celebration of Church funerals feast days and days of Penance.

Basic Bibliography

Lecturer: Dr. Philomindass

CL05 CANON LAW ON SACRAMENTS (Part 2)_compressed.pdf

CL06 MARRIAGE – Can. 1055-1165

The nature of Christian Marriage; Marriage as contract - covenant - sacrament; pastoral care and pre-requisites for its celebrations impediments; canonical form; mixed marriages; effects of marriage; separation of spouses and dissolution of the bond; its validation.

Basic Bibliography

McAreavey, J., The canon law of Marriage and Family, Dublin, Four court Press, 1997. Mendonca, A., “The Theological and Juridical Aspects of marriage” in Studia Canonica. 22 (1998), PP. 265 -304.

Lecturer: Dr. Philomindass

CL06 MARRIAGE – Can. 1055-1165_compressed.pdf


The Consecrated life: history and sources, documents on consecrated life; theological and juridic dimensions of consecrated state; the charismatic and hierarchical structure of the church; ecclesiality of the consecrated state; baptismal and religious consecration; nature of consecrated life and institutes; profession of evangelical counsels; fraternal life.

Norms common to all institutes of consecrated life: typology of institutes, consecrated virgins, hermits and -widowers; erection, aggregation, merger and union; proper law-constitution, directories, manuals and policies; power of superiors and chapters.

Norms proper to religious institutes: erection and suppression of religious house, governance of the institutes-superiors and councils, chapters and administration of goods, admission and formation, religious profession, rights and duties of religious; apostolate; separation exclaustration, transfer, departure and dismissal; religious raised to episcopate and conference of major superiors.

The Secular institutes: origin and evolution, theological dimension: consecrated secularity; the societies of apostolic life: identity, origin and commentary on the canons.

Basic Bibliography

Darcy, C. et al (eds), Procedural Handbookfor institutes of Consecrated lie and Societies of apostolic life, Washington, DC, CLSA, 2001.Gambari, E., Religious Life according to Vatican II and the New Code of Canon Law, Boston: St. Paul, 1986.Hite, J. et al (eds), A Handbook on Canons 573-746, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1985.

Lecturer: Dr. Philomindass



The Consecrated life: history and sources, documents on consecrated life; theological and juridic dimensions of consecrated state; the charismatic and hierarchical structure of the church; ecclesiality of the consecrated state; baptismal and religious consecration; nature of consecrated life and institutes; profession of evangelical counsels; fraternal life.

Norms common to all institutes of consecrated life: typology of institutes, consecrated virgins, hermits and -widowers; erection, aggregation, merger and union; proper law-constitution, directories, manuals and policies; power of superiors and chapters.

Norms proper to religious institutes: erection and suppression of religious house, governance of the institutes-superiors and councils, chapters and administration of goods, admission and formation, religious profession, rights and duties of religious; apostolate; separation exclaustration, transfer, departure and dismissal; religious raised to episcopate and conference of major superiors.

The Secular institutes: origin and evolution, theological dimension: consecrated secularity; the societies of apostolic life: identity, origin and commentary on the canons.

Basic Bibliography

Darcy, C. et al (eds), Procedural Handbookfor institutes of Consecrated lie and Societies of apostolic life, Washington, DC, CLSA, 2001.Gambari, E., Religious Life according to Vatican II and the New Code of Canon Law, Boston: St. Paul, 1986.Hite, J. et al (eds), A Handbook on Canons 573-746, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1985.

Lecturer: Dr. Philomindass

CL08 TEMPORAL GOODS_compressed.pdf


The Consecrated life: history and sources, documents on consecrated life; theological and juridic dimensions of consecrated state; the charismatic and hierarchical structure of the church; ecclesiality of the consecrated state; baptismal and religious consecration; nature of consecrated life and institutes; profession of evangelical counsels; fraternal life.

Norms common to all institutes of consecrated life: typology of institutes, consecrated virgins, hermits and -widowers; erection, aggregation, merger and union; proper law-constitution, directories, manuals and policies; power of superiors and chapters.

Norms proper to religious institutes: erection and suppression of religious house, governance of the institutes-superiors and councils, chapters and administration of goods, admission and formation, religious profession, rights and duties of religious; apostolate; separation exclaustration, transfer, departure and dismissal; religious raised to episcopate and conference of major superiors.

The Secular institutes: origin and evolution, theological dimension: consecrated secularity; the societies of apostolic life: identity, origin and commentary on the canons.

Basic Bibliography

Darcy, C. et al (eds), Procedural Handbookfor institutes of Consecrated lie and Societies of apostolic life, Washington, DC, CLSA, 2001.Gambari, E., Religious Life according to Vatican II and the New Code of Canon Law, Boston: St. Paul, 1986.Hite, J. et al (eds), A Handbook on Canons 573-746, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1985.

Lecturer: Dr. Philomindass

CL09 AD AUDIENDAS_compressed.pdf