1. Basics: Within a pluralistic framework, significant definitions, foundations, sources and resources of theology are dealt with.

2. History: Theologies in the bible, the era of the Church Fathers, scholastic theologies, post-scholastic era and contextual theologies are presented with special reference to the relationship and difference between the eastern and western theological traditions.

3. Models: Principal models of theology such as Syriac- Semitic theological approach, theology as the articulation of the liturgical experience, Scholastic model, the Kerigmatic approach, theology as theological Anthropology, theological reflection as critical reflection on Christian praxis, and contemplative approach.

4. Divisions: Having taken seriously the existence of multi-contextual realities, the traditional as well as modern classification and development of theology are given with a hermeneutical approach in view of both academic as well as pastoral formation.

5. Criteria: Finally we will treat on the criteria of Christian theological reflection and principles of theologising in the Indian Context.

Basic Bibliography

Alszghy, Zoltan-Flick. Maurizio, Introductory Theology, London: Sheed and Ward, 1982. Dunn, Edmund, J. What is Theology, Mystic: Twenty-Third Publications, 1998. Neuner, J.-Dupuis, J. (eds), The Christian Faith, Bangalore: Theological Publications of India, 2001. Pathil, Kuncheria. An Introduction to Theology, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2003. Rahner, Karl. Foundations of Christian Faith, London: DLT, 1978.

Lecturer: Fr. S. Devaraj



The course has three parts: the first is concerned with a broader understanding of sacraments in the secular and religious contexts. Here an attempt is made to explain the psychological, sociological, theological basis of sacraments and the nature and relevance of symbols and rites.

The second part delves into the historical dimension of Christian Sacraments. Here the discussion is on the history and development of the seven sacraments, nature, effect and changeability of the sacraments and sacramentals. The last part focuses on the contemporary trends in sacramental theology.

Basic Bibliography

Chauvet, L.M. The Sacraments, Bangalore: Claretian Publications, 2002. Martos, J. Doors to the Sacraed, Ligouri: Triumph Book, 1991. Osbome, K.B. Sacramental Theology: A General introduction, New York: Paulist Press, 1988. Ratzinger, J. Dogmatic Theology. A General Doctrine of the Sacraments and the Mystery of the Eucharist, Washington: The Catholic University of the American Press, 1993. Schillebeeckx, E. Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter with God, London: Sheed & Ward, 1983.

Lecturer: Fr. Christopher OFM Cap.



Understanding and conviction about God's revelation is fundamental to one's faith and commitment. Beginning with the history of salvation, the infinite God has made himself manifest to finite human persons. This manifestation has reached a climax in the person of Jesus Christ. The revelation of God in Christ continues to affect God-human relationship down through our history, mediated by Scripture and Tradition. Understanding and interpreting this revelation today, in the midst of rationalism, religious pluralism, fundamentalism, and communal violence, is a great responsibility of every believer. Similarly, the response to divine revelation in 'obedience of faith' in a community confronted with 'practical atheism and 'fanaticism' has different dimensions. Special attention is paid to the doctrines of Dei Verbum of Vatican II and post Vatican Documents.

Basic Bibliography

Dulles, A., Models of Revelation, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1983, Dulles, A., Revelation Theology, London: Burns & Oats,1970, Dulles A., The Durvival of Dogma, New York: Images Books, 1973, Kathleen, R.F. and Thomas, N.H., Christian Foundations of Faith: An Introduction to Faith in Our Time, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, Kennedy, E., Believing: The Nature of Belief and its Role in Lives, New York: Image Books, 1977, Latourelle, R., Theology of Revelation, New York: Alba House, 1966, Moran, G., Theology of Revelation, New York: Alba House, 1966, O'Collins, G., Fundamental Theology, London: Darton Longman & Todd, 1981, Rahner, K., Foundations of Christian Faith, London, 1978.

Lecturer: Dr. Immanuel Dhasan

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Understanding and conviction about God's revelation is fundamental to one's faith and commitment. Beginning with the history of salvation, the infinite God has made himself manifest to finite human persons. This manifestation has reached a climax in the person of Jesus Christ. The revelation of God in Christ continues to affect God-human relationship down through our history, mediated by Scripture and Tradition. Understanding and interpreting this revelation today, in the midst of rationalism, religious pluralism, fundamentalism, and communal violence, is a great responsibility of every believer. Similarly, the response to divine revelation in 'obedience of faith' in a community confronted with 'practical atheism and 'fanaticism' has different dimensions. Special attention is paid to the doctrines of Dei Verbum of Vatican II and post Vatican Documents.

Basic Bibliography

Dulles, A., Models of Revelation, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1983, Dulles, A., Revelation Theology, London: Burns & Oats,1970, Dulles A., The Durvival of Dogma, New York: Images Books, 1973, Kathleen, R.F. and Thomas, N.H., Christian Foundations of Faith: An Introduction to Faith in Our Time, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, Kennedy, E., Believing: The Nature of Belief and its Role in Lives, New York: Image Books, 1977, Latourelle, R., Theology of Revelation, New York: Alba House, 1966, Moran, G., Theology of Revelation, New York: Alba House, 1966, O'Collins, G., Fundamental Theology, London: Darton Longman & Todd, 1981, Rahner, K., Foundations of Christian Faith, London, 1978.

Lecturer: Fr. Arasu



Introduction: Some Definitions, Types of Theology, the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith, the Sources of Christology, The Method of Christology, Guiding Norms for the Study of Christology.

The Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth: Jesus' ministry of Word and Deed in the Spirit, Jesus and the Rich and the Poor. Jesus and Women, Jesus and the Provocative act in the Temple, A Portrait of Jesus from His Ministry in the Q- source and the Four Gospels.

The Christological Titles: Christ or Messiah. High Priest, Last Adam, Wisdom, Word, Son of Man, Lord. Son of God, Saviour and God. The Death of Jesus of Nazareth: Historical reflections on the Death of Jesus, New Testament Theologies of Jesus' Death, Theological Reflections on the New Testament Understanding of Jesus' Death.

The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth: The Earliest NT Data, The Appearance Narratives and History, The Meaning of Easter: The NT, The empty tomb and the bodily character of the Resurrection, the meaning of Easter of Today, The Truth of Easter Faith.

Jesus Christ, God: The Divinity of Jesus Christ in the NT, Towards Orthodoxy: The First Four Centuries, Theological Reflections on the God revealed in Jesus. Jesus Christ, Man: Jesus' Humanity in the NT, Post- NT denials of the Humanity of Jesus, The integral Humanity of Jesus, Jesus' Self-Consciousness and Freedom, Jesus' Faith, The Virginal Conception of Jesus.

Jesus Christ, God and Man: Logos-sarx and Logos- anthropos, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Nestroius of Constantinople, Cyril of Alexandira, The General Council of Ephesus (431), The General Council of Chalcedon (451), Scholastic Understanding of the Unity and Distinction in Christ,Two Roman CatholicViews on Hypostatic Union: Kasper and Schillebeeckkx.

Jesus Christ, the Redeemer: Patristic Theologies of Redemption, Medieval Theologies of Redemption, The Reformation, 20th Century Understanding of Redemption, Redemption in Redemptorist, Spirituality, Conclusion. Jesus Christ, Universal Saviour: Introduction, Christianity in Relation to Other Religions, A Christian Theology of other Religions, Conclusion.

Basic Bibliography

Boff, L. Jesus Christ: Liberator, New York, 1979. Brown, R. An Introduction to New Testament Christology, Mahwah NJ, 1994. Cullmann, O. The Christology of the New Testament, London, 1963. Davis, S., D. Kendall, and G.O'Collins, eds., The Resurrection, Oxford, 1987. Dunn, J.D.G. Christology in the Making, London, 1989. Dupuis J. Who do you say I am?: Introduction to Christology, New York, 1994. Fuellenbach, J. The Kingdom of God: The Message of Jesus Today, Maryknoll, New York, 1995. Kung,H. On Being a Christian, New York, 1976. Phan, P.C. “Jesus the Christ with an Asian Face”, Theological Studies, 57 (1996) 399-430.

Lecturer: Fr. D. Alphonse

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The Divinity of the Holy Spirit: Early Speculation, The Council of Nicaea, 4th Century Heresies and their Refutation, The Cappadocians, The Council of Constantinople I, The Filioque Controversy. The Holy Spirit, it’s being and identity, it’s role in the life of Jesus in the Church and in our lives: The divinity of the Holy Spirit, The identity of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Spirit, The Holy Spirit in the Church, The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer, Conclusions.

Basic Bibliography

Congar, Y. I believe in the Holy Spirit 3 vols. London, 1983. Byrne, J.M. ed. The Christian Understanding of God today, Dublin, 1993. Del Colle, R. Christ and the Spirit, New York, 1994. Dunn, J.D.G. The Christ and the Spirit: Pneumatology: vol.2, Edinburgh, 1998. Durrwell, F.X. The Holy Spirit of God, London, 1986. Durrwell, F.X. The Spirit of the Father and of the Son, New York, 1990.

Lecturer: Fr. Marianas


Mary in the New Testament, Mary in the consciousness of the Church, Theological reflections on Mary: (a) The Mother of God's Incarnate Son (b0 Mary's predestination: Her Immaculate Conception (c) Mary's glorification: Her Assumption into Heaven (d) Mary's Commitment to Christ: Virgin Mother. Mary and the Church: (a) The Church's attitude to Mary: Veneration, (b) Mary's role in the Church Intercession, (c) Mary: Type, Figure and Modern of the Church. The teachings of Vatican II on Mary. The issue of Ecumenism in the context of Marian devotion. Apparitions and their theological character.

Basic Bibliography

Karl Rahner, Mary Mother of the Lord, London: Herder and Herder, 1963. Edward, Schillebeeckx, Mary, Mother of Redemption, London: Sheed and Ward, 1964. Jose & Neuner, Mary, Mother of the Saviour, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1995. Raymond E. Brown, Mary in the New Testament, Philadelphia: Fortress Press,1978. Rene, Laucentin, Question of Mary, Illinois: Divine Word Publications, 1964.

Lecturer: Dr. Paul Jesuraj SJ.

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This course aims at giving the students the basic Christian vision of the human person and of the world. Main points: Biblical (OT & NT) vision of human being. Patristic Vision; K. Rahner, T. De Chardin. Human being in the image of God. Gaudium et Spes and Human Vocation. The vision of the human being according to the Indian religions. The Christian understanding of the world; Creation and Evolution. The Christian view of the human person. Jesus, the authentic and free human being. Original sin, its biblical basis and teaching of the Church, Contemporary interpretations and approaches; Theology of Salvation; immanent and Transcendent Theories of Salvation and Evaluation; Theologies of Liberation and Evaluation. The Human Task in the world today. The mystery of evil and suffering in the world.

Basic Bibliography

Anderson, R. On Being Human, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982, Comblin, J. Retrieving the Human: A Christian Anthropology, New York: Orbis Books, 1985, Fichtner, J. Man: The Image of God, New York: Alba House, 1978, Koekema, A. Created in God's Image, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986, Latourelle, R. Man and His Problems, New York: Alba House, 1983, Moltmann, J. Man: ChristianAnthropology, London: SPCK, 1974.

Lecturer: Fr. L. Anandam



This course starts with the analysis of the problems and challenges the Church faces today within and outside in different forms. Then it initiates the students to study the identity and nature of the Church under the following themes: 1. Jesus and the Church 2. Nature of the Church: Understanding before Vatican II (Church as a Perfect society-Mystical Body – Herald) 3. The Church in Vatican II (Lumen Gentium: The New People of God – Body of Christ – The Temple / Movement of the Holy Spirit) 4. Ecclesiology after Vatican II (Community of Disciples – Communion – Sacraments – Servant of the Kingdom of God – Basic Ecclesial Communities – Contrast Society).

The second part of the course introduces the structure of the Church to the student under the following themes: 1. Development of Church Structures 2. Collegiality and Participatory Structures 3. Authority in the Church 4. Teaching office of the Church 5. Episcopal Ministry and Apostolic Succession 6. Primacy of the Pope 7. Infallibility of the Pope. The third part concentrates on the mission of the Church under the following themes: 1. The Threefold Mission 2. The two ways of Mission 3. Church and Inculturation 4. Church and Rites 5. Church and Politics 6. Church and Casteism 7. Church and Women 8. Church and the Poor.

Basic Bibliography

Bermejo, Luis. Church, Conciliarity and Communion, Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1990. Boff, Leonardo. Church, Charism and Power, London: SCM Press, 1985. Dulles, Avery. Models of the Church, New York: Image Books, 1978. Fuellenbach, John. Church: Community for the Kingdom, Manila: Logos Publications, 2000. Kress, Robert. The Church: Communion, Sacrament, Communion, New York: Paulist Press, 1985. Kueng, Hans, Church, New York: Oates and Burns, 2001. Pathil, Kuncheria. Indian Churches at the Crossroads, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1994. Schillebeeckx, Edward. Church: The Human Face of God, New York: Crossroad, 1990. Sullivan, Francis. The Church we Believe in: One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic, New York: Paulist Press, 1988. Wostyn, Lode. Doing Ecclesiology: Church and Mission Today, Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 1990.

Lecturer: Fr. David OCD

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1. Names for the Celebration and their theological significance. 2. The Eucharist in God's plan of Salvation (a. Preparation for the Eucharist in the OT: blessing, memorial, Sacrifice and banquet of the covenant. b. The meals of Jesus in the NT) [i. The precept of Jesus: its authenticity and interpretation. ii. The Significance of the rite instituted by Christ] (a. The symbols, b. The words over the bread and the cup). 3. The Eucharist Christ's banquet (a. The Eucharistic presence, b .Transubstantiation, transfinalization, Transignification: an evaluation of the contemporary theologies of real presence in the light of Mysterium Fidei of Pope Paul VI., c. Eucharistic communion), 4. Eucharist as Sacrifice, 5. Historical development of the Eucharistic celebration and the theological significance of the different parts of the Mass.

Basic Bibliography

Cooke, B.J. “Eucharist: Source or Expression of Community”, Worship, 40 (1966), 339-48. Crockett, W.R. Eucharist: Symbol of Transformation, New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1989. Kilmartin, E.J. “The Catholic Tradition of Eucharistic Theology: Towards the Third Millennium”, Theological Studies, 55 (1994) 405-57. Kilmartin, E.J. The Eucharist in the West: History and Theology, (A Pueblo Book), Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1988. Leon-Dufour, X. Sharing the Eucharistic Bread: The Witness of the New Testament, New York: Paulist Press, 1987. Macy, G. Treasures from the Storeroom: Medieval Religion and the Eucharist (A Pueblo Book), Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1999. Mitchell, N. Cult and Controversy: The Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass, New York: Pueblo Publishing Company,1982.

Lecturer: Dr. D. Alphonse

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The Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist form one sequence in the practice and writings of the early Church. In the course of history, the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist became isolated from Baptism. However, thanks to the Second Vatican Council, serious efforts have been taken to the second vatican council, serious efforts have been taken to rediscover the meaningful tradition of the early Church. Consequently, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) was formulated and the sacraments of initiation are once again understood as one reality.

The sacraments of initiation are rooted in the rooted in the Paschal Mystery and they enable the Christian communities to participate in the passion, death and resurrection of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the sacraments of initiation have a strong trinitarian foundation. Theologically, the sacraments of initiation are better understood within the framework of building the Body of Christ and promoting Christian Unity.

The purpose of the course is three-fold: 1. To have a historical, theological and pastoral understanding of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. 2. To understand in depth the significance of our baptismal commitment and the demands of a genuine paschal life. 3. To be open to the ecumenical reality of baptism and to identify some key pastoral issues regarding the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.

Basic Bibliography

B. Neunhauser. Baptism and Confirmation, New York: Herder & Herder, 1964. Cunningham, Joseph L. Confirmation: Pastoral Concerns. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1973. Edmund, Schlink. The Doctrine of Baptism, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1972. Marsh, Thomas A. Gift of Community: Baptism and Confirmation. Delaware: Michael Glazier Incorporation, 1984. Mick, Lawrence E. Understanding the Sacraments: Baptism. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2007. Minnesota, Joseph Martos. Doors to the Sacred: A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church, New York: Doubleday, 1982. Thomas A. Marsh. Gift of Community: Baptism and Confirmation, Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1990.

Lecturer: Dr. D. Alphonse


Biblical and historical aspects of these sacraments - Magisterial teachings -The theology of these sacraments and their effects on the believer - The Biblical theology of sickness - The anointing of the sick in the NT – The historical development of the rite and theology of anointing of the sick.

Basic Bibliography

Beasley- Murray, G.R. Baptism in the New Testament, London: MacMillan & Co. Ltd., 1963. Empereur, J.L. Prophetic Anointing: God's Call to the Sick, the Elderly and the Dying (Message of the Sacraments, Vol.7) Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1982. Gusmer, C.W. And You Visited Me: Sacramental Ministry to the Sick and the Dying (Studies in the Reformed Rites of the Catholic Church, Vol.VI), New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1984. Osborne, K.B. The Christian Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, New York: Paulist Press, 1987. Walsh, L.G. The Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist (Geoffrey Chapman Theology Library 7), London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1988.

Lecturer: Fr. Christopher OFM Cap.



This course explains the shift in eschatology from the focus on the 'last things' or 'structures of the world beyond' to a theological reflection on the nature of Christian hope itself which is closely related to all other hopes of human existence. Approaching eschatology as theology of hope would highlight on the following themes: Christian hope, The Mystery of Death, Judgement, Purgatory, Hell, Heaven, and Resurrection of the Dead, Parousia and the Last Judgement.

Basic Bibliography

Bermejo, Luis. Light beyond Death: The Risen Christ and the Transfiguration of Man, Anand, Gujarat: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1985, Hayes, Zachary, Visions of a Future: A Study of Christian Eschatology, Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1989, Murphy, Marie. New Images of the Last Things, New York: Paulist Press, 1988, Macquarrie, John. Christian Hope, London: Mowbrays, 1978, Moltmann, Juergen, Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of Christian Eschatology, London: SCM Press, 1974.

Lecturer: Dr. Marianus.

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Situation of the Priesthood-Priesthood in different religions – The theology of Priesthood – The Biblical doctrine of the Christian Priesthood – Perpetuation of the Christian Priesthood – Triple office of Christ's Priesthood – History of evolution of Priesthood – Influence of Vat. II – Nature of Common Priesthood – Nature ministerial Priesthood. Relationship between the common and Ministerial Priesthood – Priestly Character – Different grades of ministerial Priesthood – Spirituality of the Diocesan Priests – Priesthood and women – Priestly celibacy and formation to celibate life.

Basic Bibliography

Jean, Galot, Theology of Priesthood. Robert Wister, Priests Identity and Ministry. Karl Rahner, The Priesthood. E. Schillebeeckkx, Church with a Human Face. The Wijngaards, Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church. The Church Documents: Lumen Gentium, Presbyterorum Ordinis, Optatam totiun, Pastores dabo vobis.

Lecturer: Fr. David OCD

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This subject deals with – the need for ecumenical efforts in globalised world – a brief history of different churches and ecclesial communities – ecumenical efforts in the past – ecumenical movement – catholic principles in the light of Vat II – Theology of ecumenism – a brief history of WCC – ecumenism in India – wider – ecumenism in our multi religious context.

Basic Bibliography

Yurl Krymer, Christian Ecumenism, Moscow: Progress Publications, 1983, Joseph A. Lerch, Ecumenism, Kurseous: St. Mary's College, Paul Avls, Ecumenical Theology, London, SPCK, 1986, T.V. Philip, Ecumenism in Asia, Kerala: ISPVK &CSS, 1994.

Lecturer: Fr. Arasu



Pope John Paul II was a powerful and unstoppable pastor. He wrote 14 Encyclicals, 15 Apostolic Exhortations, 11 Apostolic Constitutions, and 45 Apostolic Letters. These are his more authoritative teachings. Any person who reads these writings will grow both spiritually and intellectually.

Pope John Paul II is truly the great man of the past century-a man who personally confronted all that century's tragedies, from Nazism to communism. And now, in old age, he wrestles with materialism, "the culture of death," and scandals that could, on his leaving, tear the Church in two.

A study of Pope John Paul II's encyclicals reveals the vision and strategy of his pontificate. It is a vis-ion which at once recalls the mysteries of faith and appeals to all men and women of good will to build the future on a firm spiritual and ethical foundation.

Basic Bibliography

Peggy Noonan, John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father, Barnes & Noble, New York. John Paul II, J. Michael Miller (Editor) The Encyclicals of John Paul II, 1996.

Lecturer: Fr. Suresh OFM Cap.

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