Notion and general division Primitive Ecclesiastical literature Apostolic fathers Apologetic literature of the Second century Ecclesiastical Literature during the genesis of Christian Theology African Writers. The golden age of patristic literature. The Greek writers. Cappadocian fathers. Schools of Alexandria and Antioch Latin Fathers. The Decadent centuries.

Basic Bibliography

Berthold, Altaner.Patrology, New York: Herder, 1960. Hamell, Patrick. Introduction to Patrology, Cork: Mercier Press, 1968. Tixeront, J. Handbook of Patrology, London: Herder, 1946.

Lecturer: Fr. Thainis OFM Cap.

CH01 PATROLOGY_compressed.pdf


Church of the Ancient Period (up to 700 AD): General Situation Just Before the Birth of the Church – Founding of the Church by Christ – Initial Spread of the Church in the First three centuries including its spread to India – The External, and Internal Obstacles for the Spread of the Church in the First three centuries – The response of the Church to these obstacles – Administrative Organization – Sacramental and Religions Lives – The External and the Internal Obstacles During 4-7 Centuries, and the Response of the Church – A Survey of the History of the Church in India up to 9th Century.

Basic Bibliography

Bihlmeyer, K. & Tuchle H., Church History, Westminster, 1968. Jeddin, H. (ed.), Handbook of the Church History 10 Vols, New York, 1968. Rogier-ubert-Knowles (ed), The Christian Centuries, A New History of the Catholic Church 5 vols. ondon, 1964. Mahoney, Christopher, History a Summary 2 vols, Alwaye, 1992.

Lecturer: Fr. Thainis OFM Cap.



The Course gives an overview of the history of the Church and theology from the period of enlightenment till today. The history of the Church will be studied from the following angles: theology (the main theological currents), ecclesiology (Church structures, papal power, ordained ministry, laity, relation with other churches), inner child life (spirituality and pastoral care), society (relation between church and state, relation to other religions and groups). The following points will be dealt with in detail: the Enlightenment, First Vatican Council (1869-1870), the challenge of modernity (1880-1914), the period of totalitarianism and decolonization, to Second Vatican Council (1965-1965) and contemporary Church. In this course, special attention will be given to the conciliar documents and the Indian participation in the council.

Basic Bibliography

Alberigo, G.A. Komonchak, J.A. History of Vatican II, 5 vols., Leuven 1995-2004. Bunson, M. Encyclopedia ofCatholic History, Huntington, 1995. McBrien, R.P. Catholicism, New York, 1994. Pulikkan, P. Indian Church at Vatican II, A Historico-Theological Study of the Indian Participation in the Second Vatican Council, Trichur, 2001. Walker, W.A. Histroy of the Christian Chuch, Edinburgh, 1997.

Lecturer: Fr. Thainis OFM Cap.



The Course gives an overview of the history of the Church and theology from the period of enlightenment till today. The history of the Church will be studied from the following angles: theology (the main theological currents), ecclesiology (Church structures, papal power, ordained ministry, laity, relation with other churches), inner child life (spirituality and pastoral care), society (relation between church and state, relation to other religions and groups). The following points will be dealt with in detail: the Enlightenment, First Vatican Council (1869-1870), the challenge of modernity (1880-1914), the period of totalitarianism and decolonization, the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and contemporary Church. In this course, special attention will be given to the conciliar documents and the Indian participation in the council.

Basic Bibliography

Alberigo, G.A. – Komonchak, J.A. History of Vatican II, 5 vols., Leuven 1995 2004. Bunson, M. Encyclopedia of Catholic History, Huntington, 1995. McBrien, R.P. Catholicism, New York, 1994. Pulikkan, P. Indian Church at Vatican II, A Historico-Theological Study of the Indian Participation in the Second Vatican Council, Trichur, 2001. Walker, W.A. History of the Christian Church, Edinburgh, 1997.

Lecturer: Fr. Thainis OFM Cap.


The history of Christianity in India is viewed as an integral part of the socio-cultural history of the Indian people rather than as separate from it. The history will, therefore, focus attention upon the Christian people in India; upon who they were and how they understood themselves; upon their social, religious, cultural and political encounters, upon the changes appropriation of the Christian gospel, as well as in the Indian culture and society of which they themselves were a part. So this course deals with the given below key points, Christianity in India Today, Origin and growth of Christianity – Geographical view, Chronology of Events in Indian Church History, Christianity in the life of Nation, Holy men and women in Indian church history, Blessings and challenges of Indian Church, History of your faith

Basic Bibliography

Firth C.B. An Introuduction to Indian Church History, by ISPCK for the senate of Serampore College, 2003. George Menachery, Thomapedia., Ollur,, Kerala, 2000. Leonard Fernando., and Gispert- Sauch G., Christianity in India, Viking,Penquin Group., New Delhi, india. 2004. Mundadam,A. M., History of Christianity in india, Vol., 1- VI., by Church History Association of India., Bangalore, 1984-1992. Samuel Hugh Moffeeth, A history of Christianity in Asia., Vol., I and II., Theological Publications in India, Bangalore -1998. Stephen Pampackal., A Short History of the Catholic Church in India, St. Pauls, Mumbai, 2008. Sundar Yesuvadian M., India is a Christian Nation. Thomas Pothaacmury., The church in Independent India. Examiner Press, Bombay 1961.The Catholic Directory of India 2005-06, Claretion Publications, Bangalore, India.

Lecturer: Fr. Thainis OFM Cap.